Welcome to the Igbo Catholic Community of Raleigh, North Carolina. Please join us for Mass and other parish activities. Whether you are new to the area, just passing through, a returning Catholic, or interested in the Catholic faith we want you to join us as we praise God.
If you are interested in becoming Catholic please speak with the priest after Mass.
To become a member fill out a registration form after Mass or print this form and bring it to Mass.
Membership Form IGBO Catholics of Raleigh (pdf)
Download We welcome you to the Igbo Catholic Community in the Raleigh Deanery of the Diocese of Raleigh, North Carolina. We are administered by Chaplain Reverand Father Joseph Kalu Oji, C.S.Sp. CSSp stands for the Congregation of the Holy Spirit under the protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Congregatio Sancti Spiritus sub tutela Immaculati Cordis Beatissimae Virginis Mariae). The Congregation, also known as Spiritans, was founded in France in 1703 and include priests, brothers and Lay Spiritan Associates. The mission of Spiritans is to evangelize the poor and marginalized.
Learn more about our order at http://spiritans.org/
We have Advisory, Finance, Social and Choir Committees. Members of these committees make up the General Council. The Chaplain currently chairs the Advisory Committee and General Council. Meetings are held monthly, and a general meeting bi-annually. Our funds accrue from offertory, annual harvest and bazaar, and pledges. Proposed budgets are discussed in the council, approved and expenses authorized by the Chaplain.
One of our goals is to teach the Igbo language to our children and to adults who are interested. We have a committee working on this. The committee has achieved a remarkable level of progress. They have obtained a syllabus from State School Management Board in Nigeria. Their next step is to push the program to become a part of school curricula in North Carolina so that it can be taught at school and children graded on it as elective subject. Teaching catechesis in Igbo language will wait until the program of Igbo language succeeds, or has taken off.
The choir members are few but very zealous and active. With increased numbers and encouragements, the sky will become their limit. Anniversaries are the Mothering Sunday, the Fathers’ Day and the Youths’ Day. These days are preceded with Night Vigils, Recollections, workshops or Retreats.
Chair Lady: Oby Ezuma - 919 880-3144
Vice Chairman: Paul Onuoha - 919 426-1653
Secretary: Francis Egbom 919 670-9006
Vice Secretary: Vivian Okoro - 919 523-1867
Liturgical Coordinators: Bridget Duru and Chris Irona -919 264-3998
Financial Manager: Maria Ohiaeri - 919 271-4401
Council Meetings: 3rd and 4th Saturday of every month at 10:00 am
Guild Meetings: 2nd Sunday of every month at 3:30 pm
1,2,4, (5) of every month
1 pm Reconciliation and Rosary
1:30 pm Mass
2817 Poole Road
Raleigh, NC 27610
3rd Sunday of every month
1 pm Reconciliation and Rosary
1:30 pm Mass
2438 S. Alston Avenue
Durham, NC 27713
Saint Michael Catholic Church
Chaplain Rev. Fr. Joseph K. Oji, C.S.Sp.
804 High House Road Cary, NC 27513
Hours: By appointment
919-468-6100 ext.198
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